Better Choices Better Health
6-Week Workshop

A practical, interactive curriculum

  1. Mind-Body Connection, Sleep, “Action Plans”

  2. Problem-Solving, Dealing with Difficult Emotions

  3. Making Decisions, Pain, Fatigue, Physical Activity, Exercise, Relaxation

  4. Better Breathing, Healthy Eating, Communication Skills, Problem-Solving

  5. Healthy Food Choices, Medication Usage, Informed Treatment Decisions,

    Positive Thinking

  6. Working with Health Care Professionals and Organizations, Weight


Opportunities for discussion and problem solving

Mutually supportive setting



Can help individuals:

  • Take control of their health and their lives.

  • Lead longer, healthier, and more productive and satisfying lives.

  • Engage more fully in their communities and the things they love to do.

Has the potential to improve both the individual’s health and the health of his or her family

Uses a “peer model”

Individuals w/ chronic health conditions are a key part of program delivery.

Is relatively inexpensive

Is a valued community resource

Can be a helpful complement to the important service your organization provides the community