EnhanceFitness — Hawai‘i Healthy Aging Partnership

BCBH Teleconference Workshop! Starting April 2. Limited Slots, Join Today!

Find an EnhanceFitness class near you

Maui | Kaua‘i | O‘ahu

Please note, due to COVID-19:

Select in-person EnhanceFitness classes for Kaua‘i and Maui locations have been cancelled until further notice.

“Kūpuna in Motion” Videos

Maui County ADRC filmed three exercise videos for our seniors called “Kūpuna in Motion”. They are airing on our community TV channel, Akaku, Channel 54 on Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM.

For those who don’t get that channel, and/or would rather watch them online whenever they want, they can also be seen on the Maui County ADRC website.


 An exercise program designed to work the cardiovascular system and improve participants’ balance, flexibility, and muscle strength.

This program builds relationships among participating seniors, and creates an exercise environment that is fun and friendly. It has been scientifically-tested and has been shown to improve health and reduce health care costs among regular participants.


Who can participate?

Individuals age 50 and older (60+ in Kaua‘i County)
are welcome to join.


Where are classes offered?


Why join?

Exercise protects against heart attacks and high blood pressure. It also lowers cholesterol levels, increases strength and flexibility, improves mental functioning, and reduces the risk of falls.


What types of exercises will
class participants do?

  • Cardiovascular (low impact)

  • Flexibility (stretching)

  • Strengthening (exercise with adjustable weights)

  • Balance Exercises (safely get in and out of the bathtub)


For more information: