Transportation: Here are a couple ideas:
Your Regional/County Planning Department is a public information resource not nearly tapped into enough (speak with their transportation planner, do some digging...)
Your local public transport provider if rural/suburban. If in an urban area - I'd look to your Metropolitan Transportation Provider (and try and speak with their transportation planner).
Reach out to your local CBO's that already offer some form of transportation service(s).
If you have a regional planning department, I would suggest you ask to speak with their transportation planner (caveat: not every state has regional planning departments or even county planning departments). They should be able to help, possibly give you the contact information to your local public transportation provider (who receives public transport funding) to possibly collaborate with, OR, might know of any CBO's who offer volunteer transportation services such as van-shares, volunteer drivers (like RSVP), or faith-based organizations who might be able/willing to partner with you and help.
Being very new to the CDSMP world, I would say I am hearing from our delivery partners that bringing workshops to the people (especially residential living facilities/complexes) have been the key to their success. Public transport is notoriously poor outside of metro regions.
CDSMP in Prisons
The Federal Bureau of Prisons is considering offering the CDSMP throughout their system. They would like to hear from those of you who have worked in prisons. Please send you reply directly to Dr. Toya Kelley They have promised to do a summary of what is found and when we have a small document we will be pleased to share it. As always thanks. Kate
Low number of participants - Advice from Stanford: If there were only 3 left at session 3 this is a red flag of a problem. I would start by calling those who did not return and asking some probing questions. There are examples of this in the administrative and fidelity manuals. My guess is that one way or another the leaders made a major mistake. They were disrespectful, or lost control of the workshop. If only 3 at session 3 I might give them the mailed tool kit and be done with it. However, most important is to find out what happened.
LL Training
Maine is not charging for the training (metropolitan)
Chicago charge $175 per person (suburban), but give stipend $ (same amount they paid for the training: $175); paid through AAA.
New Jersey ask partnered agencies to participate in the training
Medicaid reimbursement
Maryland Department of Aging is working with our Medicaid Office to pursue waiver or other reimbursement. They've been having regular meetings with their Medicaid staff to decide the mechanism and the language.
New Jersey has advisory group for their coalition
American Society on Aging Conference 2015 - CDSMP related presentations are attached in below.
Materials on the website:
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